About The Collection
The Rouge Spring 24 collection takes a fresh look at the romantic portraits of English poet, illustrator and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the poem “What is Pink” by English artist Christina Rossetti. Juxtaposed with The Heroic Rose created in 1938 by artist Paul Klee, the collection celebrates their creative approach to art, love, life and their work with design, drawing, painting and photography, reimagining and channelling their work to create today’s modern pre-Raphaelites, the new Rossetti’s!
Cutting Technique
The cuts are an exercise in geometry, using either intricate rose inspired sectioning patterns, or Paul Klees “Taking the line for a walk”, creating big, bold silhouettes with playful & dynamic interiors. Architectonic vector lines are used to create unexpected, punked out textures. All three cutting methods immerse the student in a creative thought process with a definite structure, while designing hair with the end in mind and personalised to the wearers grace and attitude.
Colouring Technique
The colours and subtle shade variations of the rose is also the motif for the colour techniques together with the poem “What is Pink” by Christina Rossetti. The techniques are definite, solid sections of colour, creating a statement and amplifying the dynamic of the shape. Inspiration from the art of Paul Klee is also a factor this season, using the lengths of the hair to paint misshapen patterns of contrasting tones through the natural red bases.